Privacy Policy At Playroom Inc, we are committed to respecting your privacy and handling your information with care while you enjoy our services. To provide transparency and clarity regarding how we manage your data, we have created this Privacy Policy. In this Privacy Policy, the term "data" encompasses any information that can identify you either individually or in conjunction with other data, such as your name, profile picture, and data used for analysis and attribution related to your use of our services. Types of Data We Process Information about your location, device type, operating system, page load times, network details, unique browser identifiers, social network unique identifiers, room numbers you've played in, referral sources, and IP addresses. Frequency of visits to the game. Duration of time spent on the game. Purpose of Data Collection We collect data for the following purposes: To enhance and improve our services. To ensure compliance with our terms of service. For analytical and reporting purposes to improve our services and provide technical support, including recording any service interruptions. Legal Basis for Data Processing We rely on the following legal bases for processing your data: When it is necessary to fulfill our contractual obligations with you (e.g., compliance with our Service Terms). When processing is essential for our legitimate interests or those of others. When data usage is required to comply with legal obligations or to exercise legal rights. Data Processing Methods The data we collect from you may be transferred and stored outside of the United Kingdom or the European Economic Area (EEA), including the USA. This transfer is necessary for hosting our services, providing supporting services, and enabling your deliberate use of our services. Here is a list of companies that process data on our behalf but cannot use it for independent purposes: - Google Analytics - - Cloud Flare - - Firebase by Google - - Mixpanel Analytics Use of Cookies We may use "cookies" to enhance your user experience. Your web browser is responsible for controlling and sharing your information through cookies. These cookies enable us to maintain session information, improve your experience, and track and analyze usage and statistical data. Some examples of how we use cookies when necessary include: Keeping you logged in during your visit. Allowing you to navigate our services seamlessly. Displaying relevant ads based on your interests. Users can adjust their web browser settings to reject or receive warnings about cookie usage. However, doing so may lead to malfunctions on certain parts of the website. If you would like to learn more about how advertising companies use website or app information for specific purposes, please visit the provided links to their respective websites. Data Storage We will retain your data for as long as it remains relevant and valuable for its original purpose or as required by applicable law. Legal Disclosure We may transfer and disclose information, including your data, usage information, and device identifiers, to third parties when required by law or when we believe, in good faith, that legal obligations necessitate it. This may include compliance with government authorities conducting investigations, verifying and enforcing our terms and policies, responding to emergencies, or protecting the rights, property, safety, or security of Playroom Inc, our customers, and others. Request Data Deletion If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or wish to request a copy or deletion of your data, please contact us at Please note that in some cases, your request and choices may be limited, particularly when fulfilling your request would involve disclosing information about another person or deleting data required by law or for compelling legitimate interests. Other Provisions Our services are not explicitly designed for children. If you are under 13 years old and using a third-party account, your parents must provide consent for the use of your photo or name, if applicable, and for your use of our services. California residents have the right to request a notice identifying the categories of Personal Information we share with affiliates and/or third parties for marketing purposes. Additionally, we provide contact information for such affiliates and/or third parties. We do not "sell" personal information as defined by the CCPA, nor do we have knowledge of "selling" personal information of minors under 16 years of age. California residents can request this notice by contacting us at